Around Alley

The Process

This project required me to construct a level design for an already established game with a limited number of mechanics, as well as creating art assets using Autodesk Maya. Techniques I used in this process included 3D modelling and UV Mapping.

Level Design

The level design aspect came first in the project as I had to come up with a theme and then design an environment that the player would have to traverse in order to complete the level. Further, every model was to scale, so the player really felt like they were playing as the bowling ball.

Here are the early layout designs of the level. I wanted to focus as much as possible on creating challenges based on the simplicity of the mechanics. Simple jumping challenges and coming up with places to hide collectables were at the forefront of my mind.

Below you can see the different environments as well as their challenges and obstacles.

Art Development

The second aspect of this project was the asset creation. This was the first time I had used a 3D art tool and initially it was quite challenging. However after consistent practice, I became faster and more confident in my abilities. Being able to UV map confidently I grasped the basics of 3D modelling, ultimately creating 27 different models that utilised UV mapping, colouring and modelling in some degree.